How to Use Bash For Loop with Examples in Linux

Bash For Loop Syntax

As explained earlier, the for loop facilitates the iteration over a range of values and executes a set of Linux commands.

for variable_name in value1 value2 value3  .. n

Now, let’s explore some examples of using the bash for loop.

Bash For Loop Example

In its most basic form, the for loop follows this structure. In the given illustration, the variable n iterates over a set of numerical values enclosed in curly braces and prints their values to stdout.

for n in {1 2 3 4 5 6 7};
   echo $n

Bash For Loop with Ranges

While the previous examples explicitly listed the values to iterate over, it’s impractical for a large range of values. To address this, you can specify a range by indicating the start and stop numbers separated by two periods.

In this case, 1 is the initial value, and 7 is the final value in the range.


for n in {1..7};
   echo $n

Executing the script will list all values within the specified range, similar to the simple loops.

Moreover, you can include a value at the end of the range to cause the for loop to iterate through the values in incremental steps.


for n in {1..7..2};
   echo $n

Bash For Loops with Arrays

You can efficiently iterate through values defined in an array using a for loop. In the following example, the for loop iterates through all the values inside the fruits array and prints them to stdout.


fruits=("blueberry" "peach" "mango" "pineapple" "papaya") 

for n in ${fruits[@]}; 
    echo $n

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